All Posts tagged as "Career Journal"

A Decade of Frontend Masters: From Startup to Success at 40

Insights on building Frontend Masters while balancing health, family, and becoming a leader.

2023: Backflips, Business, and BBQ

Highlights of my career and life from 2023.

2022: 🥗 Focusing on Health & Record Amount of Workshops

Highlights of my career and life from 2022.

Ode to My Business Advisor Matthew Dornquast

Rest in peace Matthew. I wouldn't be where I am today without your honest advice over the years.

2021: 🤸 From Gymnastics to Game Design

Highlights of my career and life from 2021.

2020: 🥽 Going Remote and Diving into Virtual Reality

I enjoyed getting into VR this year and learned to create videos in Mixed Reality through LIV, posted them to YouTube and streamed through Twitch. And got all the world records in Pistol Whip.

2019: 🤗 Turning 35, Reflecting on the Last 5 Years

This summer our new baby girl arrived. Now my family is full – we now have four kids!

2018: 💻 Coding A Lot More (Even as a CEO)

In 2018, I managed to write a lot more code – 2,129 commits total. 15+ years in, I am still loving writing code.

2018: 📈 Debt Free & Profitable

Frontend Masters hit a major milestone: profitable and zero debt!

2017: 🏙 The Year I Built a Team

Focusing daily on building the team and learning what makes a great team is where most of my brain cycles have gone this year. Very happy about the results so far!

🏙 Starting Frontend Masters

The team captured the story of starting Frontend Masters (~6 minutes) -- enjoy!

2014: I quit consulting and went full time on my business

2014: Turning 30

From IT to web development, building a successful business, starting a family, and looking ahead to the next chapter.

2013: Slides, Videos and Articles

2010: Reflecting on my Career Path & Looking Forward

2011 edition of self-reflection.

2009: Consulting & Speaking

Looking back at 2009 consulting, web development, speaking and the future of

2009: Summer Projects

Web development and entrepreneurial career of Marc Grabanski as of Summer 2009.

2008: Acheiving Freedoms

2008 was a year of embarking on a journey towards personal freedoms in my career, which although was scary at times, paid off in spades.

2008: Projects

My business plans to get four projects done in 2008.

Consultant Agency Off and Running

2008: Created a Consulting Agency

Ode to JWT Minneapolis

Leaving a Consultancy Downtown Minneapolis to Create My Own

Interviewed by Google

2008: Interviewed by Google

2007 was an Incredible Year

2007: Incredible Year for my Career

Career Goals as of August 2007

2007: Short-term, persistent and long-term web development career goals